Dr. Mike Murdock’s 7 Keys To Success!


Something woke me up out of my sleep last night and my tv was blaring with a preacher on my screen talking at me. I rubbed my eyes and started listening to what he had to say. Don’t ask me why I even bothered to listen but everything happens for a reason. I never heard of Dr.Mike Murdock but I really enjoyed listening to his sermon. He said, “if you are not in your element you will flounder – if you are not where God wants you – you will flounder”. Such a true statement and I had been going through some personal things in my own life wondering why I feel like I am not accomplishing some goals but then it all made sense after listening to him…..

So I got up and got my journal out and started jotting down what he was preaching and this is what he had to say below about the 7 keys to success. I hope this can help you out there and you can add it to your daily life. Be blessed and Happy Friday! xoxo

7 keys to success….

1. What you can tolerate, you cannot change.
He gave the example of a woman living with a man that beats her – he said when she was beaten the first time and stayed with him – she chose to tolerate it – therefore she would never change it.

2. What you respect, you will attract – what you don’t respect will move away from you.
He gave the example that if you don’t respect someone – you will never learn from them.

3. What you make happen for others – God will make happen for you.
You don’t reap where you sow – you reap what you sow from God.

4. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

5. Your rewards in life are decided by the kinds of problems you are willing to solve for others.

6. If you insist on taking something God did not give you, he will take something away He gave you.

7. An uncommon seed will always create an uncommon Harvest.
He gave the example of the woman in the Bible that gave all she had – that was an uncommon seed – and God gave her an uncommon Harvest of provision for her.

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