My Dream Home, What’s Yours?


Hey guys I wanted to share with you a lil bit of what is on my vision board and the house that I fell in love with. I said “me” because my husband wants something more grand but like I said in my previous post, I like to take baby steps lol. When I first moved to the suburbs outside of Atlanta, they were building this new subdivision right across the street from me. When they completed the housing development, I immediately went inside the model home to take a peek. I fell in love with this house right away! I’ve always loved brick homes and I want a porch. Something about a porch I love. I can see me and my husband outside sipping on lemonade and talking about the kids and more.

This picture of this house has been in my phone for 8 years now! I look at it time and time again and I dream of one day owning this type of place. Some of you may say, wow its not that big but its just enough for me and my family. My dream car is a convertible volkswagen beetle, so go figure, I like small things lol. I may look like I want a whole lot of lavishness but Im really a pretty simple gal. Where I currently live, there are homes all around me that are priced from $250,000 to $3,000.000. They always say, dream big and surround yourself in that environment, so I’m doing just that! One day soon, I will post on here when my family moves into the home that we love! You just watch! They say ask and you shall receive right?  I’ve been praying for this type of house for years, one day soon! Keeping my fingers crossed! Till next time! What kind of home do you want, or are you in your dream home now? xoxo

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