New Movie: Annie


Oscar-nominated Quvenzhané Wallis and comedian Jamie Foxx star in the remake of ‘Annie’. Jay Z and Will Smith is bringing the classic ‘Annie’ to the big screen Christmas day. The film stars Jamie Foxx as Daddy Warbucks and cutie pie Quvenzhané Wallis as the adorable Annie.


Jamie stars as Will Stacks aka “DADDY WARBUCKS”, the billionaire New York mayoral candidate who, after bumping into Annie on the streets of Harlem, takes her in to up the profile of his campaign, and Quvenzhané, with the most spectacular twist out EVER, is the orphan whose cheery, sunny, optimistic disposition works overtime to win over Mr. Stacks’ icy heart. Little  Quvenzhané Wallis fits the role of Annie to a T! “Annie” hits movie theaters on Christmas Day.

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