Today Is Our 16 Year Wedding Anniversary!


I woke up today all excited and happy to say to my husband, “Happy 16 Year Wedding Anniversary!” I did just that but did not get the response I was looking for lol. Maybe because it was 6 o’clock in the morning and if you know my husband, he is grouchy as heck that early in the a.m. lol. 


He rubbed his eyes, looked at me, smiled and said, “what time is it?” I didn’t want to answer him because I already knew that he would yell at me and turn over and go back to sleep but this time he smiled and said, “yep 16 years wow!” What’s for breakfast? Too funny but things like that make me love Mr.Reed even more, he’s my rock and although we have been through many obstacles, we’re still together! I blinked and we were married with kids, I can’t believe how much time flies by! We were looking at Dootie riding off with her friends the other day saying to ourselves how big she has gotten and how tall Pootie is(he is taller than me and his dad now, wow).

If you’re married, I know you can relate to our relationship and how much work it takes. Its been hard with him working out of town but glad to say that he’s moving back for good this year! The kids and I are too ecstatic about it. So tonight we’re off to a romantic dinner for two and see what else we can get into. I just want to tell Mr. Reed that I LOVE YOU with all my heart and thanks for always being there for me, encouraging me, loving me unconditionally and being a phenomenal husband and father. xoxo



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