48 Hours In Los Angeles

Boy what a grand time I had out here in Los Angeles! The weather was perfect too. Sunny skies and warm weather, gotta love it! I was in town for a quick project but I’m headed back to Atlanta soon. While in town, I stayed with my girlfriend Lisa Wu at her new place overlooking […]

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My Style: JustFab Plaid Fringe Cape

I had a great time out in Los Angeles with Disney for a press trip a few weeks ago. We bloggers got to experience so many wonderful things, I must say. I had a few snaps left over from my trip that were sent to me and I wanted to share a few of them with […]

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My Style: PZI Distressed Denim Jeans

I was headed out to a brunch on Sunday morning while in downtown Los Angeles and wanted to wear these cute distressed jeans that were gifted to me from one of my favorite fashion brands, PZI Jeans! I want to give them a very special shout out because they helped sponsor my trip to Los […]

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My Style: Black & White Two-Piece Marisa Kenson Look

Hey guys, I’m back home safe and sound but had a GRAND time out in Los Angles covering the BET Awards Weekend! Everyday there was something fun to do and the weather was perfect! Actually, it was a bit chilly to me only reaching about 77 degrees, I was so cold but here in Atlanta […]

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