Talking With Tami Featured In 50 & Fabulous Magazine

A few months ago, I had the incredible opportunity to be part of a lingerie fashion shoot for LiviRae Lingerie for a magazine called, 50 & Fabulous! The amazing Molly Hopkins, owner of the popular Kennesaw, GA boutique and a longtime friend of mine, invited me to be a part of this fun experience. Alongside […]

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My Style: Pour Moi India Wild At Heart Longline Bustier

I had an absolute blast strutting my stuff for my fabulous girlfriend, Molly Hopkins, at her gorgeous store, Livi Rae Lingerie! I’ve been modeling for her for a while now, and it’s always a fun-filled adventure! Molly just got a fabulous new collection in, and since it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time […]

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2022: Talking With Tami A Year In Review

  I can not believe that it will be 2023 this weekend, where did time go? I must admit that I did have a nice year, it was not fantastic but it was pretty decent and I can not complain! I’m not sure if I want to make a vision board this time around because […]

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Feel Good Friday: My Custom Bra Fitting At ‘LiviRae Lingerie’

Hey guys, I couldn’t wait to share this post with you today and especially since it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month! I recently attended a party last week, when I ran across one of my favorite tv personalities Molly Hopkins! You guys may remember her sweet self when she and her partner Cynthia Decker had a […]

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